Virginia Veterinary Centers

Urgent Care
Typical conditions seen by urgent care:
Eyes: swelling, discharge, redness
Nose: running, crusting, discharge
Ears: discharge, debris, odor, twitching, scratching, shaking
Coughing or sneezing
Vomiting (minor or occasional)
Straining to have a bowel movement
Change in urine color, frequency, or amount
Change in amount of food or water intake
Recent ingestion of minor foreign material or toxin (if showing no clinical signs)
Change in behavior (depression, anxiety, sleepiness)
Evidence of worms, or fleas
Wounds or bite marks (minor)
Facial swelling, licking, or scratching
How do I know if my pet should see the Urgent Care service?
Our experienced Urgent Care clinician is highly qualified to provide out-patient care for companion animals that need to be treated right away but are not emergencies. Our convenient Urgent Care hours will provide owners peace of mind, rather than having to worry about their pet’s condition through the night when your veterinarian may not be able to see them.
What if I’m unsure of what service to ask for?
The good news is that the VVC’s Urgent Care Service and Emergency Service operate within the same conveniently located, state-of-the-art facility! Our team of skilled medical professionals will work together to help ensure your pet receives the appropriate level of care. Important – A patient seen by Urgent Care requiring emergency care will be transferred immediately to the Emergency Service.